Alright then, lets get started. Have you ever looked at a new program interface and thought… holy moly, what the heck is going on here? Well, to stop you from feeling this way, I’ll be covering all the key elements in the editor you need to how to use if you want to get the most out of Colossyan to design brilliant learning content.
There are four main elements of the Colossyan editor you’ll be using all the time: the top bar, the side bar, the scene, and the bottom bar. Nearly all of the features you need can be found in them.The top bar includes all meta buttons like the home, notification and profile buttons. It also includes action buttons like the script, avatar, and text buttons. Its also home to the localisation, and pronunciation features, as well as the preview and generation buttons.
Basically, everything you’ll need to create a video is located in the top bar. Thats a lot of functionality packed into one package, but i’ve been told by my human overlords that dynamite comes in small packages… whatever dynamite is. Anyways. Next up, the side bar. This is a dynamic space that changes depending on which of the action buttons you’ve selected. For instance, if you’ve selected Script, you’ll see a script editor here. If you select Avatar, you’ll see the avatar editor screen and so forth. It will also automatically change depending on the element you select in the scene. Speaking of…The third main element on the screen is your scene.
This is the visual representation of what will be on screen for the viewers of the video - you’ll be using a lot of them as you make dynamic and powerful learning videos. Right now, you can see my fellow AI avatar Jason in this scene. Last up, adding scenes. Its easy enough, and you’ll be using the 4th element of the editor, the bottom bar, to do it. In this bar, you can see all the scenes you have in your video. At the moment, we only have one, but its easy to add more. You can also hit the play button to quickly preview the scene you’re on.
Ok, so to get moving with this part of the bootcamp, take 5 minutes to have a play. Click on buttons and stuff. This might sound a little vague, and… it is, but… One of the best learning strategies when it comes to new software is to take the time to just have a play, and get a feel for how it works.Remember that even if it seems overwhelming, there are really just four main elements on the screen, the top bar, the side bar, the canvas, and the bottom bar. When you’re feeling somewhat comfortable with the editors UI, hit next, and we’ll dive headfirst into one of the most challenging parts of making any video. Script writing!