Jun 30

How to Easily Transform Articles to Videos 

David Gillham

Have you ever considered converting your articles into videos? 

It's not as simple as some bloggers make it out to be, but with the right steps, you can create compelling videos that keep your viewers engaged until the very end. 

In this blog post, we're going to walk you through 5 simple steps to convert your articles into videos.

But first, let's talk about why you should even bother with video in the first place. 

Why convert articles into videos?

Studies show that people are more likely to watch a video than read text, and who can blame them? Videos are simply more engaging. 

But it's not just about engagement. Converting your articles into videos can also help you reach a wider audience, improve your SEO, and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry. 

Here are some other benefits you can achieve by turning articles into videos:

Boost understanding 

People are naturally built to process information visually. In fact, researchers have found that the human brain processes visuals 60,000X faster than text. So if that’s not reason enough to offer a video option for your article, we don’t know what is! Add captions and you can boost information retention even more.

Increase traffic

Video is the perfect way to drive more traffic to your website and articles. In a study done in 2022, 91% of marketers said video has helped them increase traffic. And the best part? There are so many ways to distribute your videos, from YouTube to Instagram to TikTok, so there are many avenues to reach your audience.

Create something shareable

When it comes to sharing content, videos get shared a massive 1200% more than text and images combined! So if you want to reach a wider audience and get more eyes on your content, converting your text to video is an absolute no-brainer.

Improve marketing outcomes

Video marketing is also a powerful tool for boosting your overall marketing efforts. Did you know that 87% of marketers say video has helped them drive traffic, while 81% say it directly contributed to increased sales? Plus, embedding a video on your blog post or landing page helps increase dwell time - a fantastic way to boost your SEO and get your content noticed by search engines.

So, are you ready to learn how to create killer videos from your articles? Keep reading to find out! And if you prefer to learn by watching, we even have a video tutorial for you. Plus, we'll show you how to speed up the process using AI. Let's get started!

How to turn articles into videos in 5 simple steps

Tired of scrolling through endless articles, wishing they were presented in a more engaging format? Look no further! We have a simple 6-step framework to turn your articles into captivating videos. 

1. Identify your target and format

Before you even start designing your video, it’s important to think about who is going to be watching it and where. 

If you plan to post the video on Tiktok, it’ll have a different format, or dimensions, than if you share it on YouTube. 

‍Colossyan Creator offers the option to resize your videos and even add custom dimensions.

2. Decide on the structure & organize your information

Obviously, you can’t just copy and paste a full article into a video generator and expect it to be a masterpiece.

In your video, focus on the most important information from your article and include some structural elements like a title, introduction, main key points, and outro. 

Now you can begin to write the script. Think about condensing and summarizing the key points to make them easily digestible, with a few sentences for each one.

It’s also a nice idea to include a call to action (or CTA) inviting viewers to read the full article or watch another video.

3. Create a video layout

This is where the design process begins, transforming text into a more visually engaging video.

Think back to each of your structural elements and assign one per scene or slide. 

If you’re inexperienced in design, you can use any of the Colossyan templates to help. you get started with this part. 

Colossyan also offers an AI-powered tool called Prompt-to-Video that creates an entire video layout with script, copy and visuals all from a simple text prompt.

4. Paste in your script

It’s time to copy and paste in your video script. In Colossyan, you can paste the text into the script box, which automatically converts it into a voiceover in over 70 languages.

You can also choose from different languages and voices depending on your target.

5. Add interest with engaging visuals

Now it's time to add some visual flair. 

You want to make sure that what's being narrated and what appears on screen are in harmony. Lucky for you, there are plenty of options to choose from. 

AI Avatars

If you're looking for a more personal touch, consider a human avatar. Seeing a person on camera can be engaging. Colossyan offers a diverse cast of AI actors that you can choose to narrate your video. You can also select the way they appear on screen - as a talking head in a small sphere, also known as "bubble view", or a Âľ portrait style which is available in Colossyan as "body" and "shoulder" views.

Screen recordings

Screen recordings are a great way to show rather than tell, especially helpful if you want to create a tutorial type of content. 

You can add a screen recording directly from Colossyan Creator by selecting “Background” from the top navigation menu and clicking on “Record”. You can choose to record a tab, a window or your entire screen.

Stock content 

Don't have your own content? No problem. Stock footage is a great option for businesses or individuals that don’t have a media library. You can browse Collsyan’s selection of images, videos and even music. You can even upload your own.

Subtitles or captions

We mentioned above that captions increase knowledge retention and overall understanding. You can also use text overlays to make keywords or points stand out. 

Colours and logos

If your brand or business already has a strong visual identity, you’ll want to make sure your video’s visuals also line up. Creating a brand kit with logos, colours, and even templates can take your video to the next level.

In just a few simple steps, you can transform text-heavy articles into engaging, bite-sized videos to share across different platforms, and increase traffic to your website.

Take your content to the next level with captivating visuals and an effective marketing strategy with Colossyan Creator. 

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