
How AI Video Can Fuel Your Learning Design Engine

Practical examples of how you can make use of Colossyan Creator's AI technology today.

Wednesday, April 26
4:00 - 5:00 PM
David Gillham
Lead Learning Experience Designer
Donald H. Taylor
Learning Technologies Conference

About the webinar

Video is a powerful, but often expensive medium learning designers and their teams can use to deliver exceptional learning experiences. Unfortunately, video is expensive and requires a unique skill set to produce well, from scripting through to shooting. AI video fundamentally changes this dynamic.

Join Donald H Taylor and the Learning Design Lead from Colossyan, the AI Video Platform for Workplace Learning, as they talk through practical examples of how you can make use of this new technology today.

We will cover

🎥 How you can turn your PDFs and PPTs into engaging videos

🔄 How the use of AI video enables better stakeholder engagement with iterative video production

🖼️ LX-optimized templates you can use to make your life easier

This webinar is a live interactive session, and we encourage our audience to ask questions and participate in a discussion.

You can register for this session by providing your email address in the form on the right. If you can’t make it to the session, simply register, and we will send you the recording.

See you soon! 👋

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The Business Imperative: AI in learning and training as a Strategic Investment

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