Create interactive
videos with AI avatars


Say goodbye to passive learning

Create immersive learning experiences with interactive AI videos.

Improve training effectiveness with relevant knowledge checks.

Boost your productivity with an easy and streamlined workflow.


Immersive experiences

Let your learners actively engage with relevant AI video content, and achieve greater traction and retention.

video icon

Simplicity meets results

Create interactive experiences with ease. 
We believe in powerful functionality that doesn’t compromise on simplicity.


Streamlined workflow

Achieve more with less. Turn your content into videos, and increase its effectiveness  without switching between 5 different tools.


Interactive features

Video analytics

See how learners engage with your videos.


Add links to web pages and resources.

Branching scenarios

Create scenario-based training.


Highlight important parts of the scene.


Allow learners to move objects around.


Add mix and matching exercises.


Integrate videos
into your
learning management system

Analyze completion rates, knowledge check results and more.

SCORM 1.2 export (Enterprise only)

Easily embed or share videos via a link  

Video analytics dashboard


People love us, and we’re sure you’ll too.

Colossyan Rating By Useres
from 370+ reviews on G2
“Working with Colossyan feels like we have extended our team.”
Jill Easton
Curriculum Manager at HIT Training
“With Colossyan, we were able to cut around 90% of our video production costs.”
James Barton
Chief Solutions Officer at MentorGroup
“Highly recommend Colossyan to anyone looking to streamline their training.”
Franklina Tawiah
HR Project Manager at DSV
“Colossyan's AI technology and translation capabilities have revolutionized our training.”
Kristin Broadhead
Director of Learning & Development at Sonesta
“Our people are so much happier with the way we're moving forward with our courses.”
Derella Miller
Learning and Instructional Technology Manager at State of New Mexico

Transform your company’s workplace learning with Colossyan

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