How AFNB GmbH cut video production time from 30 days to 1 day

Why Colossyan: Simplified production, multilingual support, cost-effectiveness

Time savings
Cost savings
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Using Colossyan's AI technology has been very helpful, as we can now deliver neuroscientific training 80-90% quicker and more cost-effectively.

Torsten Seelbach

Use case

🎓  Education


🧠 Neuroscience


🇩🇪 Germany

Insights from

Torsten Seelbach


AFNB GmbH, a pioneer in neuroscientific education, has adopted Colossyan to enhance the efficiency of their training content creation.

This move is aimed at scaling up the company's production capabilities and offering training materials in three different languages. By leveraging Colossyan's technology, AFNB GmbH is empowering trainers to leverage modern technology, while saving time and money by effectively utilizing AI.


Content translation

AFNB GmbH needed to create training materials in German, English and Spanish, which required costly and lengthy translation processes.

High production costs

Traditional video production methods were inefficient due to excessive costs, where one project would cost AFNB GmbH around €20,000.

Time constraints

Creating a short training video took about 30 days, which was impractical and posed significant barriers to scaling up their operations.


AFNB GmbH's implementation of Colossyan's AI technology brought several key advantages:

Efficient translation

Colossyan’s instant auto-translation feature significantly eased and reduced the cost of creating multilingual educational content.

Cost reduction

The adoption of AI for content production enabled AFNB GmbH to cut their production expenses by 80%, eliminating the need for costly production studios.

Faster production

Colossyan's technology has enabled AFNB GmbH to significantly speed up video production, cutting down the timeline from 30 days to just 1-2 days.


After AFNB GmbH’s active implementation of Colossyan, they’ve achieved the following results:

AFNB's shift to Colossyan underscores the powerful impact of AI in professional education, especially in terms of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and communicating with a diverse audience.

70+ Languages to translate
Multilingual training

AFNB GmbH switched from separately recording in German, English, and Spanish to easily creating all language versions at once with Colossyan.

Scaled training content

AFNB GmbH are able create engaging training content for 500-600 trainers and coaches, who have positively embraced the AI-powered training.

Time and cost savings

The adoption of Colossyan's AI has enabled AFNB GmbH to deliver training 80-90% faster and more cost-effectively, revolutionizing their educational approach.

Before Colossyan, our process required a lot of steps, and was very expensive and complicated: we needed translation, production studios, and post-production work. The whole process would take us a month. Now, we can get everything done in 1-2 days.

Torsten Seelbach