Meet the winner

Colossyan Video Competition 2023

Thank you for participating in the #ColossyanChallenge!

We're thrilled to announce the winner and runner-ups of the Colossyan Challenge!We've seen many fantastic entries showcasing storytelling skills and creative use of our AI video technology, and would love to demonstrate some of our team's favourite entries.

Let's dive in!
Winner of the challenge

More great videos

Colossyan Creator - AI Video Production Platform
Dominik Jel
Digital Guardians
LAPU Digital Learning Solutions
Content AI Manager
Yakup Özkardes-Cheung


Scenario-based Videos with Colossyan
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business
Dominik Jel
Mental Health
Alfred Brock

We'd like to thank all of the competition's participants for their hard work, creativity and innovation. Thanks for being a part of the growing Colossyan Community, and stay tuned for more of our future challenges and competitions!

About the challenge